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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Live and In Person!

I am giving some talks at the end of the month.
"Public Schools 101: Intro to the NYC School System, Registering for PreK and Kindergarten"
I will be giving lots of practical information about what to know and how to proceed and I will bring my "big map" but I won't be discussing individual schools. It is a lot of information in a small amount of time, so I am afraid, no children please. There will be a Q & A.
$25. per person or $40. per couple
You must RSVP to me (not the venue) for a specific date and location, space is limited and just in case of changes, I would like to be able to contact you.

Monday, Jan. 26, 7-8:30 pm
Mamalu 232 North 12th St. (718) 486-6312

Cobble Hill/Boerum Hill
Tuesday, Jan. 27, 7-8:30 pm
NY City Explorers 388 Atlantic Ave. between Hoyt and Bond (718) 625-6923

Clinton Hill
Thursday, Jan. 29, 7-8:30 pm
Still Hip 283 Grand Ave. between Lafayette and Clifton Pl. (718) 398-0008

Saturday, Jan, 31, 1:30-3 pm
Pomme 81 Washington St. at York St. (718) 855-0623

Prospect Heights
Tuesday, Feb. 3, 7-8:30 pm
NY City Explorers 186 Underhill Ave. between St. John's/Sterling Pl. (718) 399-6923

South Slope
Wednesday, Feb. 4, 7-8:30 pm
Hootenanny Art House 426 15th St. at 8th Ave. (718) 369-0528

Make a Difference on MLK Day

Residents of Park Slope, with the support of Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke, will be collecting
books and school supplies for an under-served school, P.S. 41, The Francis White School in Brownsville, Brooklyn.
You can help the effort by donating any of the items listed below to one of the following collection points on Monday, January 19th between 10am-4pm:

Park Slope Food Co-op, Union St. bet. 6th-7th Ave.
Community Bookstore, 7th Ave. bet. Carroll and Garfield St.
7th Ave. Copy, 7th Ave, bet. 8th-9th St.
Dizzy's Restaurant, 8th Ave and 9th St.
Connecticut Muffin, 15th St and PPW

Requested School Supplies and Books
New Purchases: pencils, crayons, glue, glue sticks, notebooks, loose-leaf binders and paper, writable CD/DVDs, soft sports equipment such as jump ropes, hand balls, basketballs etc., puzzles, blocks, Legos for kindergarten, things that don’t break, inexpensive small plastic individual CD players, reams of copy paper for the teachers to use
New or Used Books: books by current popular childrens authors that can be read aloud, Bank Street readers, Step into Reading titles, Other childrens books.

Any questions. Contact the Park Slope Bridge to Change

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Elementary School Book Giveaway

Fabulous Parenting Blogger, Karen, over at A Child Grows in Brooklyn is doing some great giveaways. In return for your personal mini reviews of whatever service she is highlighting, she gives you a chance at a wonderful prize.

So if you love your Elementary School and want them to win $100. in free books from Usborne Books. Nominate the school you love. Give the neighborhood and PS number (the DOE recycles and uses numbers over again in different boroughs) It must be a NYC school. Tell why they deserve such a windfall. All entries must be submitted by Jan. 19, 2009. She picks the entry out of a hat. Good luck to all, and may the emailng begin!